Thursday, November 28, 2019

Lithuania Eu Cultural Policy Area Essay Example

Lithuania Eu Cultural Policy Area Essay Lithuanian Cultural Policy and the European Union The cultural policy has been adopted by the European Union during the 1990s with the aim of creating a European identity which would bring the people of Europe closer and which would lead them to identify themselves as â€Å"Europeans†. On the other hand, the cultural policy adopted by the Union remained supplementary in its character as the member states did not want to lose their sovereignties, especially on such an issue that underlines the national identities, (Sassatelli, 436) As a result, the European cultural policy became one that respects and tries to protect the national cultures of the member states on the one hand, while it tries to create a European culture and identity on the other. In other words, the main aim of the European cultural policy is to create unity in diversity. Sassatelli, 30) Although it is supplementary in character and although the Union is not the decision maker in the cultural matters, the member states are expected to follow the cultural policy of the Union which suggests them to protect their national heritage, cooperate with other member states in cultural matters, to promote an inclusive national culture, to adopt a democratic, open and competitive national cultural policy. Lithu ania, which became a member of the European Union in 2004, had a different cultural policy understanding than the Union and its member states as it was a Communist country. We will write a custom essay sample on Lithuania Eu Cultural Policy Area specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lithuania Eu Cultural Policy Area specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lithuania Eu Cultural Policy Area specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer With the end of Communism and with the aim of becoming a member of the European Union, Lithuania has changed its cultural policy and shaped the new policy according to the idea of cultural policy adopted by the Union; a competitive, inclusionary, and based on cooperation. European Union Cultural Policy The first steps towards the establishment of a cultural policy in the European Union were taken during the late 1970s, when the European Union was European Community. In the 1973 with the wave of enlargement and with the economic crisis the Community faced, the member states signed a Declaration of the European Identity. With the Declaration they stated that the member states of the Community share common attitudes and their aim is to build a society which gives priority to the individuals. (Bozoki, 2) The low turn out in the first direct elections for the European parliament made the Community to realize that there was a need to take measures for unification of peoples of Europe as it became obvious that economic integration alone would not lead to such thing. In 1984, the European Council set up a Committee for a People’s Europe. The main aim of the Committee was to take necessary measures to strengthen the European identity. The Committee produced two reports in both of which it was suggested to increase cooperation between the member states in the area of culture, information, and communication. The reports also argued for the development of cultural projects in the form of cultural exchanges, town twining schemes, and youth programs (Bozoki 3). However, the reports were away from proposing a common cultural policy. Another attempt to create a European cultural policy came in the mid 1980s when the Community was preparing itself to the Single European Act, which created the internal market. In 1985, the Delors Commission started to implement the proposals of the Committee for a People’s Europe. During the time the blue flag with twelve stars were adopted as the official flag of the Community. European passports, driving licenses were introduced together with the European postage stamps. (Bozoki, 3) The European Cultural Area was created with the aim of promoting educational exchanges, translation of literary works, and town twining schemes. Another program that was adopted during the time was the Cultural Capitals of Europe. The European Union has legalized its cultural policy with the Treaty of Maastricht, the treaty establishing the European Union, for the first time in 1991. The 151. Article of the treaty states â€Å"The Community shall contribute to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States, while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time bringing the common cultural heritage to the fore†. Bozoki, 4) The article on the Cultural Policy further suggests that â€Å"Cultural policy is governed by the principle of subsidiarity, with Community action is to be taken only if the objective cannot be achieved sufficiently by member states alone. Thus EU-level cultural policy is limited to encouraging cooperation between member states, and, if necessary supporting and supplementing their action†. (Bozoki, 4) According to the article the Union should take into consideration cu ltural compatibility when it implements cultural policies. The European Cultural Policy had three aims. The first one of these was to improve the knowledge of the culture and history of the Europe and its people. The second aim was to conserve the European cultural heritage and the last aim was to support the cultural exchange and artistic creation. In order to achieve these aims three cultural programs have been implemented by the Union between 1996 and 1999. The first one of these programs was â€Å"Kaleidoscope†. The aim of the program was to encourage artistic creation and promote cultural awareness among the peoples of Europe in the areas of creative arts, performing arts, and applied arts by means of exchange and cultural cooperation. Kouveliotis, 5) The second program was â€Å"Ariane†. It aimed to promote knowledge of European literary works through the means of translation. The objective of the program was to create awareness in the member states regarding the current literary art together with the current drama. (Kouveliotis, 6) The third program that implemente d in the 1997- 2000 period was â€Å"Raphael†. The aim of the program was to encourage cooperation among the member countries of the Union in the area of cultural heritage. Kouveliotis, 8) The program aimed to bring the common cultural to the fore while respecting the national diversities. The European Capital of Culture was another program that adopted by the European Union. The main objective of the program was to highlight the diversity and richness of European cultures and to promote greater mutual acquaintance between European citizens. (Kouveliotis, 10) Under the program starting from 2005, each year a city would be chosen as the European capital of culture. The objectives of the program were to highlight the artistic movements and styles shared by Europeans, to promote events involving people active in culture from other cities in the member states of the Union, to ensure mobilization and participation of large sections of population, to encourage reception of citizens of the European Union and to reach as wide an audience as possible by employing multimedia and multilingual approach, to promote dialogue between European cultures and other cultures in the world, to exploit the historic heritage, urban architecture, and quality of the city. Kouveliotis, 10) In the year 2000, the Union adopted Culture 2000 program under which all the three programs were merged. The Culture 2000 program aims to promote creativity and disseminate culture through support Europe wide cooperation between cultural organizations, institutions within and outside of the Union (Kouveliotis, 12). Under the program three types of activities were defined to be support ed. These are innovative activities, experimental actions of multiannual cultural cooperation, and cultural events with European dimension. Kouveliotis, 12) In 2007, Culture 2007 program was implemented by the Union for the period of 2007- 2013. (Dewey, 99) The main aim of the program is to focus on the mobility of artists and art works in order to enhance cultural cooperation in the Union. Lithuanian Cultural Policy Lithuania is one of the countries that faced transition from Communism to liberal democracy. Like all other policies the cultural policy of the country was also affected by that change in the regime. During the Soviet period the cultural policy of the country were under the control of the Communist Party (Council of Europel/ERICarts 2). In other words, the cultural policy of the country was under an ideological influence and control. The Soviet cultural policy and its administration were under the lines of strict command of the party. The cultural events and institutions were used by the party to legitimize Communism. The privileges were offered to the artists. In this way the artists were attracted to the ruling circles and they were prevented to produce artifacts criticizing the regime (Council of Europel/ERICarts 2). As a result of such policy implementation, democratic forms of cultural self government cannot be established in Lithuania. Lithuania was one of the post-Soviet era East European countries that applied European Union for full membership. Like all other candidate countries, Lithuania had to take the necessary steps in order to fulfill the criteria defined by the Union in order to become a member of the Union. The Maastrich criteria, which Lithuania was expected to fulfill, consist of three criterions. The first one of these is the political according to which every candidate country should adopt rule of law, respect minority rights, and stable democratic institutions. Varbanova, 54) The second criterion is the economic one. Under this criterion a candidate country should adopt a well functioning market economy and should be able to compete in the European market. (Varbanova, 54) The third criterion is the adoption of â€Å"acquis communautaire† and the last criterion is to have the capacity to fulfill the membership obligations. As far as the cultural policy during the accession process is concerned , the candidate countries are required to complete a questionnaire on the economic and public sectors which includes ulture and audio visual policy. (Varbanova, 54) The questionnaire includes legislation for protecting cultural heritage, legislation in the field of broadcasting, the national system for the support of artistic activities, professional training, and arts education. (Varbanova, 54) In this respect, Lithuania benefited from the European financial support schemes provided to candidate countries under the Culture Program, Structural Funds, and European initiatives to advance cultural cooperation. With the end of the Communist regime in 1989, a new era in the Lithuanian politics has started. The country turned its face to Europe and started to implement the necessary measures to be a liberal democracy. This process also affected the Lithuanian cultural policy. In the year of 1991, the Lithuanian government has adopted a new program called â€Å"Market†, Democracy Freedom which set a new direction of the Lithuanian cultural policy as the program included a specific objective which was the development of a â€Å"Lithuanian Cultural Model†. Dufton, 15) This new cultural model aimed to bring freedom of expression, democratic process and an arms length approach, according to which the policy making and policy implementation in the area of culture would be separated from each other. In other words, the new program brought decentralization to the Lithuanian cultural policy. On the other hand, throughout the 1990s the decisions taken regarding the cultural policy in Lith uania cannot be taken appropriately due to the some problems faced by the country. The first problem the country faced regarding the cultural policy was the lack of money as a result of which the projects could not be implemented. The second problem was the lack of local government tradition. The third problem was the exclusion of some sectors of the population from cultural activities and the fourth problem was the contradictions in the legislation. (Dufton, 18) The cultural activities which were financed by the central and local government generally were spent on the existing cultural institutions such as theaters, cinemas, libraries etc. As the number of the audiences and the performances decreased the burden of financing the cultural activities started to rest with the government. (Dufton, 19) The decision making process regarding the cultural policy was at the hands of the high executives. As a result, most of the important channels were cut off from the process, leading to disintegration in cultural services. (Dufton, 19) As the problems in the above mentioned areas continued to exist, Lithuania passed a law, Law on the Amendment of the Law on Local Self-Government, for the decentralization of the cultural policy making and implementation. The law provided the local governments the legal and administrative capacities to implement cultural policy according to the needs of their communities. Another development in the decentralization of cultural policy came in 2002, when the Lithuanian government adopted the Cultural Development Program of the Regions, with the aim to form the administrative, financial, legal and information basis for the development of regional culture (Council of Europel/ERICarts 10). In 2002, Lithuania adopted a document called â€Å"State’s Long Term Development Strategy† defining the aims of the Lithuanian cultural policy as â€Å"to preserve and promote common European cultural values and national identity, to warrant its prolongation, openness and competitiveness in contemporary Lithuanian, European and the World cultural context†. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 11) Furthermore, the new cultural policy aimed to guarantee participation in culture life of the Lithuanian society and consumption of culture. The cultural identity of the Lithuanian culture was defined as the use of national language, state protection of the ethnic culture, national heritage, and support national minorities living in Lithuania. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 12) Moreover, the cultural policy aimed to improve the administrative system on national heritage protection, expand the democracy in cultural life, to set the basic principles for state’s support to art and artists, to stimulate regional cultural development and cooperation of tourism and cultural institutions, and to develop the information society and access to culture. Council of Europel/ERICarts, 12) In this respect it can rightly be argued that the cultural policy adopted by Lithuania was in line with the cultural policy objectives of the Union. It aimed to promote European values as a part of the Lithuanian culture, to promote cooperation with other states regarding the cultural programs, to increase the participation of the Lithuanian soc iety in cultural programs and to promote the Lithuanian culture in such a way that all the different elements of the Lithuanian society would be reflected. Current Issues in Lithuanian Cultural Policy National minorities and their place in the Lithuanian cultural policy are some of the current issues in the Lithuanian cultural policy. Lithuania has been one of the first Central and Eastern European counties which passed the Law on National Minorities. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 13) Under this law the national minorities have the right to receive state support for fostering of their national culture. They have access to information and press in their native language and to establish cultural and educational organizations. Furthermore, the national minorities are given the right to organize cultural events in their native languages. Moreover, the minorities have the right to publish books and newspapers in their own languages. In addition to this, according of the Law of Education the educational institution should provide information on ethnic cultures into their curricula. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 13) In 2004 the Lithuanian government passed the Program of Integration of National Minorities into Society for the years 2005-2010 with the objectives of integrating national minorities into Lithuanian cultural life, preservation of ethnic identities of minorities, and development of coherent relationships with the minorities. Council of Europel/ERICarts, 14). The state and the municipalities provide financial support for the cultural organizations and events of the national minorities. As it is mentioned above another main objective of the Lithuanian Cultural Policy is to promote openness of the Lithuanian national culture through promoting Lithuanian culture abroad and to familiarize the local population with the culture of other nations. The regions where the national minorities lived as majorities have adopted special cultural programs and education programs. Council of Europel/ERICarts, 14) In addition to integrate the national minorities into the culture of Lithuania, these programs also aim to bring regional economic development to these areas. As it is mentioned above, one of the aims of the Lithuanian cultural policy is to bring equal access to the culture to everyone in the culture life of the country. The programs adopted by the government such as The Regional Culture Development Program and the Support to Young Artists Program brought measures to increase the participation to regional cultural events and to integrate the young artists into the cultural market. Council of Europel/ERICarts, 14) Although the state remained as the main supported of the above mentioned cultural programs, the private sector started to emerge as an important supporter and initiator of cultural events in Lithuania. Private sector in cooperation with NGOs implemented many social cohesion acts such as the Open Air Museum of the Centre of Europe, which also was included into the Culture 2000 Project of the Union. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 14) Artistic Parks in Nature: the Bridge for Teaching Contemporary Art in Schools was a project developed by the private sector and NGOs. It involved young people and professional artists from different countries. The project, Uzupio Respublika has been one of the important projects developed under the Lithuanian cultural policy. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 14). It was started by a group of young artists in 1990s. It became an important place for the cultural organizations such as festivals. Publications of books and film productions also have taken their places in the Lithuanian Cultural Policy. Translation of foreign books into Lithuanian language has become one of the priorities according to the cultural policy of the country. As far as the film production is concerned, the state plays an important role in the financial support. After the accession to the European Union the film producers started to cooperate with companies from other countries. The cultural heritage and its protection is one of the important areas under the Lithuanian cultural policy. In 1994 with a law passed by the government, the Law on the Basic National Security of Lithuania, cultural heritage became a national security object. (Council of Europel/ERICarts, 17- 18) During the last years the government has taken several steps in the area. Training programs for the protection of national heritage were implemented with the fund provided by World Heritage Fund. The protection of the heritage was also decentralized as the local authorities were given more funds for the protection of heritage. However, the insufficient funding remains as an important problem in the protection of heritage. Conclusion Lithuania has adapted its cultural policy according to the cultural policy aims of the European Union. The country has taken the necessary measures to protect its national culture, including the culture of the national minorities. It has developed and implemented programs in order to familiarize its society with the different cultural elements that existed within Lithuania. The country also developed cultural programs to promote the Lithuanian culture abroad and cooperated with other countries in this regard. Moreover, the country has also promoted the idea of protection of national heritage and has taken the necessary steps, despite some financial problems the policy regarding heritage works well. In 2009 Lithuania involved in the European Capital of Culture Project with Vilnius. In this regard, it can rightly be stated that the Lithuanian cultural policy has affected by the ideas promoted by the European cultural policy in the sense that Lithuania promoted a democratic national cultural policy, embracing the European identity and promoting the Lithuanian one. As far as the other side of the coin, the European cultural policy is concerned, it can be suggested that the Union’s cultural policy is not affected by the Lithuanian cultural policy. But as it is the case with other member states, Lithuanian cultural policy contributes to the development of the European culture and identity. With the adopted projects Lithuanian culture is known in other member states of the European Union and the European identity gains another component; Lithuanian. In other words, the programs promoted by the Union which are adopted and implemented by Lithuania enrich the European culture and identity. Bibliography Bozoki, Andras. Cultural Policy and Politics at European Union. Retrieved 01. 05. 2009, from â€Å"137. 204. 115. 130/activities/download/Bozoki/Cultural%20Policy%20and%20Politics%20in%20the%20Eu † Council of Europe/ERICarts: Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. 10th edition 2008. ttp://www. culturalpolicies. net/web/index. php Dewey, Patricia (Summer 2008) â€Å"Transnational Cultural Policymaking in the European Union. † The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society. vol 38. 2 (Summer 2008): 99- 118. EBSCO. Suna Kirac Lib. Koc U. http://0web. ebscohost. com. libunix. ku. edu. tr. Dufton, Bill. (1998) â€Å"Cultural Policy in Lithuanina. † Council of Europe. Cultural Development Policies in Member States. Retrieved 02. 05. 2009, http://www. coe. int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/Source/Policies/Reviews/CC-CULT(97)24B_EN. pdf Kouveliotis, Kyriakos. â€Å"The Impact of EU’s Cultural

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writer Choice M Example

Writer Choice M Example Writer Choice M – Assignment Example Humanitarian Crisis Grows as Iraqis Flee ISIS Threat Summary: The war between Islamic militants and pro-government forces around the provincial capital has caused a humanitarian crisis in Iraq as 4,250 families run away from the region. Development: Thousands of people are running away from Iraq’s Anbar Province, which is under attack, towards Baghdad for protection. Bodies litter the streets, and some are still in burnt cars. There is a traffic pile up at the checkpoint, as Iraqi authorities demand a confirmation of residence for the escapees before allowing them entry. Most people have been travelling for days just to reach the border. It seems the battle will go on for months after the government assured its residents of a new military operation to bring back the province from the Islamic State. The Islamic State is to blame for several attacks and suicide bombings. Anbar’s governor believes that Shiite religious authorities can save the situation. Analysis: The situ ation in Iraq is serious. The attacks and suicide bombings on the American embassy increase tensions in Iraq. The lack of coordination between American officials and militias, because of suspicions, means that the war will go on for a long period. The humanitarian crisis is bound to intensify as innocent civilians seek place of safety. Clearly, Shiite militias are necessary in the war to assist the American military, just as they did with the Hussein case. In addition, the authority’s reluctance to allow families to Baghdad makes the situation worse because families continue to pile up at the border and the humanitarian situation becomes worse. The situation is just more than a religious case because officers and authorities look at it from a criminal point of view. Work CitedArango, Tim. Humanitarian Crisis Grows as Iraqis Flee ISIS Threat. The New York Times, APRIL 17, 2015. Available at s-persist-on-role-of-shiite-militias.html?ref=topics&_r=0

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Market Entry and Development Research Paper - 3

International Market Entry and Development - Research Paper Example Market research is crucial before an entry is made into the international market. Research conducted should be realistic and complete. Market research helps in developing an efficient positioning. Overall the analysis should have complete information about the general economic conditions and the market information about the target market. Detail information about the foreign customers should be present related to whom the services and products will be offered, detailed information about the segment and the niche. Detailed information about the suppliers working in that particular country and the details about how the supply chain is managed is also necessary. Also another important factor is the way and method of entering the foreign market, the way we can enter the foreign market and reach to our possible customers. The approach is an indirect approach which is using an intermediary or an agent in order to enter the market or directly entering the market. Another way is through coll ective exporting, trading house and consortium. It is important for the firms to properly examine and adapt different market strategies once they enter the foreign market compared to the strategies they are already working with in the domestic market. The effect of these strategies on the performance of the firm is also an important factor which needs to be analyzed. Marketing mix plays an important role here which once adopted is very useful as it is based on the previous adaption strategies of the firm .Firms need to evaluate the importance if these marketing mix component so that they can analyze and check the possibilities of the firm’s success in it. The promotional strategies are also checked and analyzed again as a proper set of strategies defines the firm’s competitive advantage which is the basic tool for a firm’s success and performance in the foreign market. Market expansion helps a country

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Services Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Services Project Management - Essay Example This can also be recognized as a total lack of transparency between the bidders, and that suits the client perfectly. The disadvantage in public projects is the often insufficient perception of potential pitfalls and showstoppers during the procurement process, as interaction and discussion prior to bidding is discouraged. As a result, some public projects fall prey to extensive and numerous design and specification changes, ruining their original time and cost estimates. Such projects are allowed to meander along as all involved tend to keep within the strict purview of their job description within the overall governmental framework, not willing to say or do anything to either rock the boat or to steady it. Such projects are orphaned very quickly, with a chronological propensity towards non-accountability. On the other hand, private sector procurement is made with a firm eye on deliverables, and technical vetting of bidders and a bidding process is less important than the need to get a contractor who will deliver in time to spec. Transparency is variable, especially if the contract is negotiated, as the ability and competence of the contractor is beyond dispute, and educating him about the project adds value. Private sector procurement also goes the open tender route, depending on the most suitable procurement mechanism for the particular project. The strongest case for open tenders is made by case for equal opportunity and enhanced transparency in such procurement, whereas a deeper understanding of the project and a stronger tendency to adapt to change characterizes the negotiated tender, making it popular with the private sector. A solution that offers is a hybrid of both styles of procurement, and works across the board for projects of any scale, complexity and ownership, is the process of procurement that consists of competitive tendering in one or two stage, followed by negotiations with the chosen / lowest bidder. However, such a technique is effective only if the chosen bidder is not aware of his status as the lowest, so as to keep him willing to negotiate. This technique is followed in public as well as private sector projects. Stage 1 is known as technical bid (open tender stage), followed by Commercial bid (negotiation stage). 2.2 The process of procurement is a series of exchanges between the client and the contractor, with an increasingly high level of exactness and clarity on conditions of contract, culminating with the actual execution of the contract. A contract consists of three parts, Offer, acceptance and consideration. Although Estimate, Quote and Tender are terms commonly used, there are distinct differences between the three. An estimate is the contractor's perception of the cost or a particular amount of work, and is approximate. It is prepared after taking a preliminary look at the work that is required to be done. An estimate may be prepared by a contractor or by the client on the basis of the bill of Quantities, to arrive at a rough cost of the project. It is not technical in nature, and is based on

Monday, November 18, 2019

Quality Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quality Of Education - Essay Example Today’s education is far more excellent compared to yesterday’s education. One of my proof is the availability of advanced computerized and centralized learning classrooms and libraries in most of the schools and colleges. Telephony and Data Communications also contributes instant information especially in the presence of intranet and internet. Due to the evolution of teachings and through some academic research it aided our educators to be more efficient in their way of teaching, thus, improved the quality learning of the students. Unlike my parents’ experiences, assignment and research are not a problem at all since it is not as difficult to find reference materials. Through the usage of a word processor like the Microsoft Office Word, multimedia editor like Adobe Photoshop and presentation software like the Microsoft Office Powerpoint installed in computers, my reports and presentations are much more creative and presentable compared to what my parents had, he nce, enables me and my classmates to establish better communication and understanding. Regardless of what course and degree, most of the subjects and courses were change especially in the field of science and technology due to the additional knowledge to be imparted in the curriculum. It is also a proof that due to the availability of many courses our education has become more advanced. Another factor affecting the quality of education is the teacher itself. The teaching strategy is a big factor affecting the education of the students.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Background Of Nike Inc Commerce Essay

Background Of Nike Inc Commerce Essay This report is to identify and analyze as well evaluate Business ethics of Nike, Inc. Nike produces a wide range of sports equipment. Due to the volume and the market expanded for the products, Nike need to source for multiple manufacturers in different country in order to support its production. Herein, we will analyze ethical issues and dilemmas that Nikes International business operation had faced while manufacturing its goods in foreign lands. There are three ethical dilemmas been criticized towards Nike: sweatshop issue, child labour issue and discrimination issue. Besides that, we also will evaluate the ways Nike has dealt with those dilemmas. Nike had made six promises or initiatives to deal with their sweatshop and child labour issue, whereas compensation is used to solve the employees discrimination issue. This report as well covers the ethical best practices and values of Nike Inc. Nikes corporate social responsibilities and corporate governance will be discussed in details in order to evaluate the best practices and values that Nike had practiced. 1.1 Background of Nike, Inc. Nike, Inc. is a worldwide American corporation, which focus in design, development, worldwide marketing and selling sports product. It was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports, and officially known as Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978. Nike is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area, United States. As of year 2012, Nike employed more than 44,000 people worldwide with an excess of US$24.1 billion in its fiscal year 2012 (ending May 31, 2012). Nikes brand alone is valued at US$10.7 billion making it the most valuable brand among other sports businesses ( 2.0 Nikes Ethical Dilemmas Nike has been accused for several ethical issues in developing and under developed economies, at sweatshops, hired child labour, and discrimination, which impacted their stakeholders. According to Freeman (1984), stakeholder is referring to any group or individual that can affect or is affected by how organisations carry its objectives (Crane and Matten, 2007). In order to reduce the impact to the stakeholders, Nike had tried to course correction and public relations as a measure to salvage the bad image generated by the accusation. According to Crane and Matten (2007), ethic is defined as pertaining or dealing with the study of morality and the reason that apply to elucidate specific rules and principles that determine the rightness and wrongness for certain action and the goodness and the badness of the motives for that situation or action. In this reports, three major ethical dilemmas will be analyze, child labour, sweatshops issue, discrimination issues. 2.1 Sweatshop / Poor Conditions of Working Environment Sweatshop also been known as sweat factory is refer to any working environment that is considered and negatively involved in poor, unacceptably difficult or dangerous situation that can harm the employees. Sweatshop workers worked for long hours and sometimes exceeding 14 hours daily with a pay below living wage. Nike were attacked for unethically took advantage of these labour markets. However, Nike has denied this claim many times, and expressed that they did not have any control over the factories. Nike factories in Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and china been criticized due to the negative press are exposed to the public which been revealed from the interviews of factory workers interview, site visits and the protest by activist which showed is Nikes fault for allowing poor condition of working conditions are persist in these factories. According to ABC News, April 2010 in Vietnam, thousands of Nike factory workers went on strike due to poor working conditions and low wages. Beside that, workers were unable to leave the plant if they did not meet the quota or target before attempting to go home. All these showed Nike seriously committed to the violation of human rights. Thuyen Nguyen part of the Vietnam Labour Watch wrote one extreme situation documented in 1996, when 100 workers were forced kneel in the sun for an hour because one of the workers had spilled fruit on the alter. According to Vietnam Nike Fact Sheet (1996), 15 Vietnamese women workers told CBS News that they were hit over the head by their supervisor due to poor sewing. Two workers were sent to the hospital after the incident. Nikes CEO Phil Knight respond to above two incidents by minimized the first incident, stating incorrectly there were only one worker was truck on the arm. Besides that, fact sheet as well stated there were 45 women workers were forced by the Nike supervisors to kneel down with their hands up in the air for 25 minutes. Apart from that, Vietnam fact sheet as well stat ed that, Women workers form Nike factory told CBS News that they are forced to work overtime to meet a daily target which is set unrealistically high. Most workers at Vietnam Nike plants are forced to work exceeded 600 hours of overtime per year, and according to Vietnam Labour Law Article 69, the labour user and labourer are allow to work overtime, but it is limit to not more than four hours a day and not more than 200 hours per year. Nike factories in Vietnam are clear violation of this Article. In Vietnam case, workers are treated slavery, there are only 24 hours in a day but they have to spend 16 hours or more at work in order to keep a job, it is a complete denial of a right to life, or in other words is a human rights violation. Another case happened in International Womens Day of 1997, 56 women failed to wear the proper shoes into the Nike factory. In order to let they learn from their mistake through punishment, they were forced outside in the heat to run around the building . As a result of the punishment, many women fainted due to dehydration and spent the day in the hospital. This entire incident stated above was the physical abuse towards the workers. It is an embarrassment for Nike to have its image associated with sweatshops in Asia, the revelations is threatened to the sales of Nikes products. Sales were declining and Nike was being claimed by the media as a company who was willing to exploit workers and deprive them of the basic wage needed to sustain them in an effort in order to expand profits. 2.2 Child Labour Issue Another ethical major issue is child labour. Nike was labelled as forced children as slavery in hazardous working conditions for below-subsistence wages (Hill, 2009). According to Hill (2009), Nike was found for producing the popular Air Jordan sneakers using 11-year olds in Indonesia making 14 cents per hour. According to Hill (2009), a Nike factory which owed by Korean Subcontractor, hired children as young as 13 years old as workers for earning less than 10 cents per hour were required to work up to 17 hours a day without talking. Child labour is scattered all over Pakistan, but the greatest impact was on a north-western province called Sialkot. Sialkot is an important centre for the production of goods for export, especially sporting goods. Child labour exists in both the export and domestic sectors of the economy in Sialkot. In Pakistan, livelihood is difficult and many families had to push their children to employment. In year 1996, Life Magazine reported an article regarding the child labour in Nike Pakistan, this is when Nike was found hired children as their labour. The article included a photograph showed twelve years old boy, called Tariq was surrounded by the Nike soccer ball, which he spent most of a day to stitching together for the pay of 60 cents. When this photograph was exposed, activists all across Canada and United States were standing in front of Nike shop by holding up Tariqs photograph to pressure Nike to solve the problem. This had caused Nike faced ethical issue about its labour practice abroad, and as well faced to public relations impact which adversely affect their reputation and image. ( Nike factory in Pakistan, child labours were using in the production of soccer balls, more than 200 children some of which are as young as 4 or 5, involved in the process (Sengel, 2005). Children stitch soccer ball for only 60 cents an hour. According to, Nikes entered in to the Pakistan markets was part of its long term strategic planning. Nike went into Pakistan, with having full knowledge of the favourable conditions prevailing in terms of child labour and has taken no precautions to prevent the use of child labour in the production of its soccer balls. Instead Nike has made a profit from their Pakistans contractor who has used bonded child labour in the production process. According to a Foulball campaign report, Nike has refused twice to have a check in their Saga-managed centre in Pakistan while conversely Nikes rival Reebok readily granted access to its Moltex-managed centre in Pakistan ( Several rumours come out regarding this matter, it let government have no choice to pressure Nike to look into and solve this problem. According to Teds case studies (1999), in Indonesian a 12 years old girl was working 70 hours a week, in an unhealthy environment plant making shoes for Nike. Nike is profiting from the cheap labour cost of production, due to the contracted factory is employing children to make the product. Nike ignored the laws that protecting the workers in prefer of cutting costs and lowering health standards. According to Cà ©sar Rodrà ­guez (2005), political leaders were bribed by factory supervisors in order to limit governmental interference. The leaders passed the messages to military and police units to overlook the conditions in factories so that the illegal environment could remain open and functioning. Leaders also were warned to watch for the signs of labour activists near the factories to prevent workers from aligning with activists for better conditions. 2.3 Discrimination Issue There was a court case on Nike discrimination issue in 2003 in Chicago. According to Barbara Rose the reporter to Chicago Tribune, 2003, this dilemma happened obviously, Nike Chicago was not complying with their matter of respect policy under the Nike code of ethics. Nike prohibited discrimination and harassment to happen, in order to prevent these situation happens, Nike provides employees with an effective complaint process. But, this court case has clearly showed that, there are not all the Nikes store is complying with their Code of Ethics. The plaintiffs of the case stated that African-American employees claimed that they are being segregated for poor treatment. The employees were alleged that Chicagos Nike had involved in discrimination issue that Nike segregated African-Americans into lower paying jobs such as stockroom or cashier positions. Besides that, African-Americans as well do not have opportunity to get promotion to sales position by failing to post job openings. Nike s store supervisor are only hired African-American into part-time rather than the full-time positions that can received better benefits, for example: health insurance and paid vacation, this condition of employment is vary than Caucasian staff. Caucasian staff was hired as full time staff which means they can get all the benefits of the company. Apart from this, African-American employees are subjected to searches when leaving the store, while Caucasian employees were free from such searches. According to the suit, work rules and regulations reg arding attendance, sick leave and employee discounts also were unequally applied. The area of the complaint is clear stated that this discrimination is the caused a hostile work environment. Nike Chicagos supervisor was not complying with the Nike code of ethics, under matter of respect policy. This dilemma leads to racial discrimination, which pressure the employee to sound out their rights by putting court case against Nike. Due to this is a sensitive issue, Nike was under the government pressure to settle this court case as fast as they could. 3.0 Action Taken By Nike to Deal with Ethical Dilemmas Ethical dilemmas faced by Nike is adversely impact their reputation and image. When reputation drop, sales as well will drop, due to customer will no longer confidence to Nikes products, and this will lead to financial impact to Nike. In order to overcome and solve to the ethical dilemmas that Nike had committed, Nike has come out the action to deal with the ethical dilemmas. 3.1 Ways Deal With Sweatshop According to the analysis in 2.1, Nike overseas contracted their works to foreign companies and therefore not under their direct supervision. However, when news about the harsh conditions was being revealed, actions were taken against Nike. According Global Exchange (2001), six promises were made by Nikes President, Phil Knight and Nike factories throughout the world were required to obey the rules ( The first initiative is stop using the harmful chemical adhesive called toluene. Nike found toluene caused harmful effects to workers who are not properly guarded by wearing masks or gloves to prevent the poison and the fumes that it emits. To respond to this critic, Nike was able to create water-based adhesive athletic shoes, which has no such side effects. By this creation, Nike managed to establish a positive air quality control model for their competitors. Phil Knight also assured that Nike would continue with its research and ensure all Nike factories met United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards in indoor air quality. In order to assure this requirement, Nike stated that indoor air testing of all footwear factories and follow-up testing were required to conduct when necessary. These tests would be a climax in the final report that made by independent non-government organization (NGO). Nike were given three months of improvement or correction on the air quality levels from the date of the final report were made. Nike responded to the child labour ethical dilemma by practising the second initiative. Nike raised the minimum age of all footwear factories to 18 years old and raised the minimum age of apparel and equipment factories to 16 years old. Phil Knight reported that Nike has zero tolerance for underage labour, and there has never been a time in Nikes history where child labour has been a problem, as well that it really hasnt been a problem in the shoe industry as a whole ( In the third initiative, Nike is recognized the need for the independent monitoring of the manufacturing facilities. The monitoring system is a very important initiative; in the meantime it established a means of public accountability. By referring to immediately launching a structured monitoring system, Nike was implying that their current working conditions are sufficient. This initiative was improving and avoids the sweatshop condition which occurred in Nikes factories. By implemented this monitoring system, any of poor condition of working environment detected efficiently and the period take to solve the problem is shortened. Referring to 2.1 sweatshop issue which happened in Vietnam , 2003, this initiative practised by Nike factory and solve the sweatshop issue by paying the average wage of $54 a month; it is a three times the minimum for a state-owned enterprise. Nike job provide the benefit with a regular wage, with free or subsidized meals, free medical services and training as well as education. Better working conditions and higher pay lead the economic productivity been improved. According to Jakarta post (2011), Nike as well developing programs to train factorys manager cultural sensitivity as well as their leadership skills. To avoid any abusive treatment cases happen again, Nikes headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon has invested heavily in training managers and more closely monitoring their activities in the Nikes factories (Wright.S, 2011). The fourth and fifth initiatives are to improve and making positive contribution or offering benefits to employees. These initiatives are improving the Nike poor working conditions and child labour issue. Nike offered an educational program in the factories; including middle and high school equivalency course accessibility, as well as free class during non-working hours for all workers in Nike footwear factories. In these Initiatives, Nikes factories are encouraged to raise the pay of employees who complete the programme. Besides that, in Nikes fifth initiative, small business loan program provide funds to support thousand families each in the nations of Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam, and Thailand. This program provides loans to women who wish to create small businesses and as well support those unemployed women who can run small businesses that increase their familys economic well-being as well as subsidize to the societys overall development are the effort of this program. When the economics of families is increased, children will not need to work to earn living wage, therefore they can have better education. Finally, the sixth initiative is to support the independent research by sponsoring the university research or open forums to explore issues related to global manufacturing and reasonable business practices (Tim.c, 2001). Sponsorship made by Nike could increase their reputation and good image; it can be a method to release positive press which can please the public and stakeholders, so that the negative issue will be forgotten. By introducing and applying the six initiatives, Nike is practising descriptive stakeholder theory in their action taken. Descriptive stakeholder theory is defined as a company is trying to find out whether and how company actually do take into account stakeholder interest (Crane and Matten, 2007). From the six initiatives applied, Nike attempting to please their stakeholder by applying these initiatives, and it as well as guidelines to their management. Improvement can be seen, criticisms from the public is successful responded by these initiatives. Poor condition of working environment is closely monitored, low wages been raised, child labours been solved by providing benefits to employees, when a family income increased, children are not needed to work in order to earn living wage. Nike is aware to the ethical dilemmas they faced, and certainly precaution is developed to avoid such criticisms occur again. 3.2 Compensation The decision by paying compensation to the workers is one of the actions taken by Nike to solve their bad image that created to the public, they hope that by this case been settled, and the reputation of Nike could be increase. Nike has denied the accusation of discrimination issue in court. However, Nike settled the lawsuit by paying compensation amounted US $7.6 million. In addition, the settlement called to appoint a diversity consultant to ensure Nike Chicago complied with the consent decree. (David.S, 2007). Nike agreed in the settlement to improve their work force more tolerant and more diversity. For example: Nikes store in Chicago would need to have diversity consultant and all their supervisors and managers are required to train in diversity (Sachdev.A, 2007). By the agreement which Nike promised in the settlement, the discrimination issue and their business ethics been closely monitored. As a result, Nike can practised business ethically and convinced publics to trust their products again. 4.0 Nike Best Practices and Values Even though Nike have ethical dilemmas issue, but they all the while have practice their best practices and values in order to keep their corporate operating in good faith and as well provide positive contribution to the stakeholders and society. It is a duty for a corporation to contribute to society, best practices can in the form of charity, donation, sponsorship, and so on. With best practices, values can be added into the corporations reputation and image; it can increase the confidence and maintain the loyalty of the stakeholders toward the corporation. 4.1 Corporate Social Responsibilities Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) are the policy of the company itself to conduct social activities, such as donation, charity, sponsorship, community involvement, and protect of environment, to benefits their stakeholders. It is a process that a company makes positive contribution and impacts to the society to form a long term investment in a safer, better educated, more fairness community, which can create beneficial and stable circumstances to do business for the corporation (Crane and Matten, 2007). According to Nike annual report 2009, Nike is committed to CSR, they are driven to do not only is required by the law, but also what is expected of a leader. Donation is one of the Nikes compassion toward the society. Nike donated USD $1 million to the Lance Armstrong Foudation (LAF) on May 17, 2004. LAF and Nike were together launched the campaign of Wear Yellow Live Strong, to raise fund for LAFs backup support, education, public health and also their research Programs. Nike donations had led LAFs fund raised to additional millions of dollars through the sale of yellow wristbands. As of October 28, 2004, there are more than 20 million of wristbands being sold, this efforts benefits the LAF programs to help the people who living with cancer. Nike continued this contribution by carried out by selling the LIVESTRONG wristband in all the Nike stores and outlets. According to Crane and Matten, 2007, corporate social responsibility is differentiated into four aspects: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. Nike is apply to philanthropic responsibilities by improving the education programs for the society community who with low income families. In April 2004, Nike is committed to Head Start, a National School Readiness Program that provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and the services of parent involvement to the low income children and families. The contribution of USD $ 5.2 million from Nike has help Head Start Programs to provide a total of 2102 computers to reach thousands of kids and their families. Besides that, on Dec 14, 2004, Nike launched NikeGO Afterschool program associated with SPARK (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids), this programs brings physical activity which including training and education plan. Nike as well donated the Nike products of equipment kits and other facilities to chi ldren age five to fourteen of the program. In order to expand the benefit to more community, Nike also launch the programs in a total of 42 sites in United States ( From Nike Sustainability report, Nike is trying to do their best in practice in how to doing the right thing and just and fair to all. When natural disaster happened, Nike expressed their sympathy by the helping communities who are affected by disaster with funding and product donations, in order to immediately replace what had been lost. However, Nike found that by donation, they did not always meet the needs of those affected at the right time or in the right ways. Nike had refine their approach, and they found that by supporting NGO partners, such as Mercy Corps and CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere), during the immediately consequences of a disaster through donation and supporting by Nikes employees who wanted to contribute to help the disaster victims. Nike as well concentrate in using the power of sport to assist young people who affected by natural disasters to overcome with the trauma of losing loved ones, their homes, their properties and sometimes even their communities. Moving Forward Program is created By Nike and NGO partners to overcome and help communities rebuild after the natural disaster. This program provided tools to teachers, trainers and parent to assist youth post-disaster through well-designed sports activities and counselling courses. This program as well has been implemented in many communities around the world, such as: Japan, China, Peru and Haiti. Nike is so passionate about the impact of the program and its adaptability that Nike has made it available online for any community or organization to practice. Besides that, Nikes employees who volunteer to involve in assisting to rebuild schools and community centres. For example, the earthquake happened in Haiti, January 2010, there are more than 1600 of Nike employees had made personal donations which totalled more than USD $170,000, after combined with Nike donation, the total of Haiti disaster relief was USD $450,000. Beside of this case, for Japan Tsunami in 201 1, Nike had contributed USD$1 million in cash and product in value of USD $250,000 to relief and rebuilding efforts to the disaster victims. From the CSR had done by Nike, Nike is applied to the Ethics of Duties. Ethics of Duties is defined as values judge by the morality issue no matter who is involved or profits and who is harmed by the principles (Crane and Matten, 2007). It is concerned with what people do, but not based on the consequences of their actions. Nike practiced CSR in their corporation is because there are doing the right thing, and also because its the right thing to do. Nike justify that CSR is an action by showing that it produced good consequences. 4.1 Corporate Governance Nike has made a commitment to improving business ethics by adhering to a Code of Ethics, which is a set of guidelines for worker health and safety, environmental responsibility, fair employment, and non-discrimination. Nike code of ethics for employees is called Inside the Lines; it is about the standards of conduct that Nike expect of all their employees. Nikes employees are required to verify that they have read and understand Inside the Lines annually (, 2011). Nike had set a global toll- free Alert Line for employees to report any suspected violations of the law or their code of ethics, all the details of the employees are confidential, this as well called as Whistle Blowing Act. Reported are not limited to any of the concerns around accounting, auditing or internal control are communicated to the Boards audit committee, which appropriate action is determined. This act is encouraged employee to be responsible to the company, by concern and aware what is actually happening in the company, and spelt out to the alert line in order to points out the violations, so that company will grow better and practised business ethics. Nike required the work-related activities of every employee must reflect the standards of honesty, loyalty, trustworthiness, fairness, and concern for others and responsibility. Nike expected employees to be sensitive to any situations that can badly impact Nikes reputation and are expected to use wise judgment and rational e in the way conduct business. This Code of Ethics applies to Nike itself and its worldwide subsidiaries (Nike Code of Ethics, 2011). In Nike code of ethics, they are committed to socially responsible practices; they are driven to do not only what is required by law, but also what is expected of a leader. Same expectations are applied towards all their business partners. Nike code of ethics covers contractors who manufacture Nike product. This code requires Nike partners management practices to respect the labour and employment rights of all employees, to minimize the impact on the environment, provide a safe and healthy work place, and promote the health and benefits of all employees. It is a responsibility for Nike team member to compliance with the Nike code of ethics (Nike Code of Ethics, 2011). From the code of export and import laws, Nikes policy is to comply with United States Anti-boycott laws. This law is intended to avoid Nike from participate in any action to support of a boycott imposed by one country upon a country that is friendly to U.S. This is strictly prohibited in Nike, Inc (Nike Code of Ethics, 2011). In the code of conflict of interest, Nike stated bribery and corruption is prohibited. A conflict of interest will rise when Nikes employee using Nikes reputation or name to gain personal interest from or to the companies that is doing business with Nike, this will results bribery or corruption. Employee not allows taking the opportunities to benefits themselves or others, and as well employees are never should compete with Nike. This code is protecting Nike to involve in bribery and corruption case which can adversely impact Nikes reputation and image. This code as well shown Nike make business decision with honesty and integrity, and they are considering their corporate objectives by right things and fairness is practiced by Nike to run their business (Nike Code of Ethics, 2011). In order to practice right and justice in Nike business, Nike set policy to compete fairly and must comply with antitrust and competition laws in everywhere they do business. All product development must meet business ethical standards (Nike Code of Ethics, 2011). Nike will not tolerate retaliation against to the employees who failure to comply with the Nike code of ethics. Any employees who been reported for suspected in violation of law or policy, investigation will be conducted. Appropriate action will be taken by Nike after the investigation to prevent future violations. Besides that, refer to local law or violation of the code of ethics, action taken might lead to termination of employment. Waiver of provision of the Nike code of ethics can only be made by the Board of Directors. It is only will be promptly disclosed to shareholders when required (Nike Code of Ethics, 2011). From the above code of ethics that Nike implemented, Nike obviously is practicing the ethics of right and justice. Ethics right and Justice is define as the natural rights, such as human rights, company rights, property rights and etc, that should be respected and protected in every single action (Crane Matten, 2007). By adhering code of ethics, Nike is practiced rights and justice for human rights (employee) and as well company rights (Nike itself). By conducting the code of ethics, Nike not only protects their rights as a corporation, but as well they respected the human rights of their employees. Nike treats all the employees and contractor as a whole, no one have extra benefits or extra authority, no matter who commit violations, action will be taken by Nike against the violations. 5.0 Conclusion Business ethics is very important to a corporation. By conducting ethical business, Nike will have avoided the ethical dilemmas which adversely impact to their image and reputation. When there is no ethical dilemma, then there will no compensation to be made, which will impact the Nikes financial performance. It is essential for Nike to practice business ethics; it let Nike to know what right thing to do and what the wrong thing not to do, such as: violation of human rights or laws. Business ethics can assure the corporation to survive; due to no criticism will lead to good reputation and good profitability.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mental Categorization and Development :: Psychology Jean Piaget Essays

Mental Categorization and Development Missing Works Cited Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, explained cognitive development in a way that may be useful in understanding the story of our story of evolution. He explained that in order to understand and function in our world, we organize thoughts and behaviors into systems, and are in a continual process of adapting our mental systems to better make sense of our surroundings. He calls these systems schemes and defines them as the basic building blocks of thinking, or tools for being able to mentally represent objects and events. They can be very simple like a scheme for throwing a ball, and get more complex like a scheme for playing baseball. Throughout development, new schemes arise and they become more organized to better make sense of the environment. Schemes become more complex and better organized through adaptation, which Piaget explains is a mixture of two different processes: assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation occurs when one makes sense of something in the environment by fitting it into an already established scheme. This may or may not work. For example, most things of similar body shape that swim in the water can be understood and fit into a fish scheme. However, when one encounters a whale, it may not fit into one ¡Ã‚ ¦s previous schemes, or what one understands to be a fish or a mammal. In that case, one has to accommodate, or change their schemes in order to make sense of new information. These processes most often don ¡Ã‚ ¦t occur in isolation, but are done together constantly to make sense of the world. In some situations, when the information we are getting from the environment is too complex, the information is left out entirely. As our understanding of the world expands, Piaget explains, it also divid es into categories. Expansion and fragmentation also seems to be a universal natural biological principal. Liquids and gases spread out to the boundaries of their containers, animals disperse on land, and humans have managed to explore even the uninhabitable territory of space. Animals often divide themselves into herds or flocks, while humans divide themselves into cultures, societies, and families. Expansion and division seem to be inherent and interconnected in other realms as well. The human constructs of religion and literature expand through time as they build on past stories. The more the wealth of knowledge, beliefs, and history expands, the more categories we define to separate them.

Monday, November 11, 2019

What a Brother Knows Essay

The Things a Brother Knows Essay There are many relationships throughout the book The Things a Brother Knows by Dana Reinhardt. Levi’s relationships vary throughout the book. Levi’s main relationships are with Boaz, Perl and Zim, along with Christina. Levi’s relationship with his brother Boaz seems rocky. There are quite a few ups and downs. When Boaz first arrives home, Boaz would not come out of his room. Levi could somewhat relate to how Boaz was feeling. Levi ended up letting Boaz use his laptop.Everything was going fine until Boaz found out that Levi was looking through his history. Later when Boaz finally leaves for his trip Levi gets worried about him and is curious on where he is going. A few days later Levi goes looking for him. Levi has a strong relationship with his two best friends Pearl and Zim. Pearl and Zim are both jealous of each other, because they both want to be Levi’s best friend. Yet Levi tries to treat them equal. Zim seems to always be there when Levi needs to talk about Boaz.When Levi told Zim that Boaz was lying about going hiking, Zim always tried to make positive comments. Pearl is also a supportive friend. On the trip to find Boaz Levi did not want to spend his money on a hotel because, he wanted his money to last him the whole trip, so Pearl ended up paying for the hotel. Levi has a somewhat close relationship with his brothers ex girlfriend Christina. Ever since Levi was younger he thought that Christina was good looking with a nice personality.When Boaz arrived home Christina had come to visit him. While she was waiting to talk to Boaz Christina and Levi had a close conversation. Later Levi ended up dreaming about Christina. Levi has many relationships in the book What a Brother Knows. Some of the relationships are good, but some of the relationships are rocky at times. Throughout the rest of the book I am sure most of Levi’s relationships with his brother Boaz, his friends Pearl and Zim, along with Boaz's ex girlfriend Christina will become stronger.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes Introduction Langston Hughes is an African- American writer who lived in the early years of the twentieth century. He had a difficult childhood that was marked by a divorce between his parents. Langston stayed with his mother who was very poor after the divorce with her husband.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Langston Hughes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This has greatly influenced Langstons further life. He began writing while he was a teenager. His work was inspired by the surrounding world (Kennedy and Gioia 372); so, he wrote about things he saw. As a child born from a black family, he witnessed prejudice and racism practiced against the blacks. This contributed to Hughes dark times; therefore, most of the poems he wrote carry a theme anchored on those experiences. The poems demonstrate and describe the dark times the blacks faced. Hughes even mentioned that he mostly wrote his poems when he felt the worst. T hese included moments when he could not stand the social injustices any longer. An aspect that is so common with writers. Most authors write best at their dark moments in life. This essay discusses how many writers write best during the low points of their lives, and analyses this aspect in Langston Hughes poem (Kennedy and Gioia 372). Why authors write their best works during darkest moments: Langston Hughes In my opinion, when one is going through the dark times in life, they feel determined to let out what he or she holds back in the heart. This is why when one speaks during such moments, they are likely to speak directly what is in their minds. For instance, Hughes was dissatisfied with ill treatment that his fellow black men experienced. He desired to live in a world that observed justice in spite of the skin color. This made him write his poems with titles implying democracy and freedom from racial discrimination. He told of the black men, and what they felt. He wrote about th e desperation that the black people went through and that he also experienced in his life. For instance, in his poem; The Weary Blues, Hughes speaks of a sad moan who finds consolation in playing his music. He wishes he was dead and says, â€Å"†¦I aint happy no mo, and I wish that I had died†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hughes 369). His speech suggested hard times, yet showed anticipated hope, â€Å"†¦ Is gwine to quit ma frownin And put ma troubles on the shelf† (Hughes 369). During the time when one is going through the dark phase in life, they have to look on the bright side to move on. This is why Langston was hopeful and felt encouraged. An example is his poem titled Mother to Son. This poem involves a piece of advice given to a son by his mother.Advertising Looking for essay on african american? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The poem tells of the writer’s rough life, which has not been easy. He sa ys, â€Å" well, son, I’ll tell you: life for me ain’t been no crystal stair, it has tacks in it, and splinters and boards†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hughes 370). In this poem, the mother proceeds to tell the son how she maneuvered and climbed regardless of the prevailing tough circumstances. This shows the inspiration that comes out of low moments, as one hopes for better days in life. Whenever a person is going through tough moments all they bank on is hope. It is also evident that during dark time’s peoples’ sorrows makes them empty their hearts, which brings consolation. Sorrow digs out the deepest heart’s feelings. This is why in Hughes’ poem Island he uses a tone that shows a broken soul, which is willing to express itself. This can be seen in lines, †¦Wave of sorrow, do not drown me now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  shows affliction (Kennedy and Dana 370). Conclusion In conclusion, it is worth noting that a broken soul becomes open and ready to express its elf. Therefore, it is clear why the most popular writers wrote best at the times when their souls and spirits felt crushed. As they expressed the feelings of their hearts they found comfort, and came up with renewed hopes. Such poems are a great inspiration when people going through tough times read them; hence, their popularity increases desire and hope in their hearts. Hughes, Langston. â€Å"Mother to Son†. An Introduction to Poetry. New York: Longman Publishers, 1998. Print. Kennedy, X.J and Dana Gioia. An Introduction to Poetry. New York: Longman, 1997. Print

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Iliad Book XXII - Achilles Kills Hector

Iliad Book XXII - Achilles Kills Hector Iliad - Public domain English translationExcept for Hector, the Trojans are inside the walls of Troy. Apollo turns to Achilles to tell him he is wasting his time pursuing a god since he cant kill him. Achilles is angry but turns around to return to Troy where Priam is the first to spot him. He tells Hector he will be killed since Achilles is much stronger. If not killed he will be sold into slavery as has already happened to others of Priams sons. Priam cant dissuade Hector, even when his wife Hecuba joins the effort. Hector gives some thought to going inside but fears the ridicule of Polydamas, who had given sage advice the day before. Since Hector wants to die in glory, he has a better chance of facing Achilles. He thinks about giving Achilles Helen and the treasure and adding to it an even split of the treasure of Troy, but Hector rejects these ideas realizing Achilles will just cut him down, and there would be no glory in that. As Achilles bears down on Hector, Hector begins to lose his nerve. Hector runs towards the Scamander River (Xanthus). The two warriors race three times around Troy. Zeus looks down and feels sorry for Hector, but tells Athena to go down and do what she wants without restraint. Achilles is chasing Hector with no chance of reprieve unless Apollo steps in (which he does not do). Athena tells Achilles to stop running and face Hector. She adds that she will persuade Hector to do the same. Athena disguises herself as Deiphobus and tells Hector the two of them should go fight Achilles together. Hector is thrilled to see his brother has dared to come out of Troy to help him. Athena uses the cunning of disguise until Hector addresses Achilles to say its time to end the chase. Hector requests a pact that they will return each others body whoever dies. Achilles says there are no binding oaths between lions and men. He adds that Athena will kill Hector in just a moment. Achilles hurls his spear, but Hector ducks and it flies past. Hector does not see Athena retrieve the spear and return it to Achilles. Hector taunts Achilles that he didnt know the future after all. Then Hector says its his turn. He throws his spear, which hits, but glances off the shield. He calls to Deiphobus to bring his lance, but, of course, there is no Deiphobus. Hector realizes he has been tricked by Athena and that his end is near. Hector wants a glorious death, so he draws his sword and swoops down on Achilles, who charges with his spear. Achilles knows the armor Hector is wearing and puts that knowledge to use, finding the weak point at the collarbone. He pierces Hectors neck, but not his windpipe. Hector falls down while Achilles taunts him with the fact that his body will be mutilated by dogs and birds. Hector begs him not to, but to let Priam ransom him. Achilles tells him to stop begging, that if he could, he would eat the corpse himself, but since he cant, hell let the dogs do it, instead. Hector curses him, telling him Paris will kill him at the Scaean Gates with the help of Apollo. Then Hector dies. Achilles pokes holes in Hectors ankles, ties a strap through them and attaches them to the chariot so he can drag the body in the dust. Hecuba and Priam cry while Andromache is asking her attendants to draw a bath for her husband. Then she hears a piercing wail from Hecuba, suspects what has happened, emerges, looks down from the rampart where she witnesses her husbands corpse being dragged and faints. She laments that her son Astyanax will have neither land nor family and so will be despised. She has the women burn the store of Hectors clothing in his honor. Next: Major Characters in Book XXII Read a public domain translation of Homers Iliad Book XXII. Hector - champion of the Trojans and son of Priam.Priam - King of the Trojans and father of Hector, Paris, Cassandra, and Helenus, among others.Achilles - best warrior and most heroic of the Greeks. After Agamemnon stole his war prize, Briseis, Achilles sat out the war until his beloved comrade Patroclus was killed. Although he knows his death is imminent, Achilles is determined to kill as many Trojans as possible, including Hector whom he blames for Patroclus death.Xanthus - a river near Troy known to mortals as Scamander.Zeus - king of the gods. Zeus attempts neutrality.Known as Jupiter or Jove among the Romans and in some translations of the Iliad.Athena - favors the Greeks. Also known by the Romans as Minerva.Apollo - god of many attributes. Favors the Trojans.Deiphobus - brother of Paris.Andromache - wife of Hector and mother of Astyanax. Profiles of Some of the Major Olympian Gods Involved in the Trojan War HermesZeusAphroditeArtemisApolloAthenaHeraAres Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book I Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book II Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book III Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book IV Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book V Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book IX Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book X Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIV Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XV Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIX Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XX Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXIV

Monday, November 4, 2019

Best Practices for Protecting Healthcare Sector Networks and Data Research Proposal

Best Practices for Protecting Healthcare Sector Networks and Data - Research Proposal Example She successfully excelled in sales and was promoted to be a trainer of the sales vendors at the age of twenty-five. Sara Blakely has some key secrets behind her success. One of her positive influence to the excellence was her way of thinking recreationally in all aspects. She always gave herself an uninterrupted time to think. That amble time of thinking gave her opportunity to give attention to everything surrounding her and extract all the probable chances that are offered by the circumstances. Besides, these prospects gave her to focus on how to improve the opportunities and the product that she had. Sara Blakely cultivated the limitless vision. She had a belief that what an individual can thick one can do create it. While in high school, she informed her colleagues that she would at one-time feature at Oprah Winfrey Show. After that, she tirelessly worked towards it (Kidder, 2012). Sara Blakely sought the feedback from the right people not from anybody. She never hides her idea to the people whom she thought could impact to her idea positively. She never taught her idea to her friends or family, as she was aware that she could spend more time tr ying to explain to them the validation and telling it and fail to get to her heights. Sara Blakely failed to make to pursue her career in law that she longed to joined, but she changed her career. Again, at the time when she was selling the fax machines she was frustrated by the panty lines that were observed from her attire (Kidder, 2012). Sara Blakely has excellent leadership skills that made her who she is today. Sara Blakely delegated the responsibility of every department to all members who worked in the division. She used to remind every work that they were supposed to treat the area of work as theirs. She trusted herself alone, and always implemented her vision (Kidder, 2012). Sara Blakely was talented in sales as at the age of just twenty-five was promoted to the capacity of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Do Dress Codes For Girls Protect Or Sexualize Them Essay

Do Dress Codes For Girls Protect Or Sexualize Them - Essay Example The various strategies and measures to introduce dress codes that seek to provide containment are often explicitly or implicitly targeting only girls, despite the presence of baggy clothes for young boys that do not fit social norms (Rosenberg, 2014).   This controversy has been in the public limelight since 2000 to date and has amassed an enormous debate on the matter. The increased debate has led to the emergence of specific vocabulary given to girls that wear revealing clothes such as â€Å"Les nombrils† or â€Å"navel rings.†The terms just get worse and crude as many people, encompassing adolescent boys and other girls refer to them as â€Å"sluts.† The writer apologizes for the term. That is, the popular imagery developed due to the social discourse of girls’ dress and hyper-sexualization has become part of our collective representations (Willett, 2008).   Stigmatization has increased immensely has the debate on girls’ clothes and sexuality seem not to be diminishing. The debate holds two sides with the one hand holding the notion that dress codes are critical in ensuring the moral being of the society whereas opponents arguing that these dress codes seem to sexualize the girl child. Thus, this paper presents perspectives from both sides of the debate and their reasons. Notably, the document does not in any way represent the personal opinions of the writer or try to recommend a better solution for the problem. The paper analyzes the major points on the problem at hand to elucidate on the issue of girls’ dress code and sexuality (Willett, 2008).   An in-depth look at how this debate is framed from year to year in the media reveals two major aspects: girls are either positioned as manipulated victims or social disturbance. Many people have come out to express how they feel that these girls dress in a suggestive, inappropriate and offensive way in high school and some situations in primary schools.