Saturday, August 3, 2019

Essay examples --

Julius Caesar How did the Emperor rise to power? Julius was born from Aurelia and Gaius Julius Caesar. His family had nobility status, although they were neither rich nor influential in the time period. Caesar was made military tribune before 70 B.C. and was quaestor in Farther Spain in 69 B.C. he helped Pompey to obtain the supreme command for the war in the East. As a general, Caesar was the best Rome had ever seen. He returned to Rome in 68 B.C. and in Pompey's absence was becoming the recognized head of the popular party. His love of Marius and Cinna made him popular with the people, but earned him the hatred of the senate. In Dec. 63 B.C. Caesar advocated mercy for Catiline and the conspirators, thereby increasing the enmity of the senatorial party and its leaders, Cato the Younger and Quintus Lutatius Catulus. How did they change the Empire of Rome? Julius Caesar was Rome’s first dictator, although he did not ever officially become Emperor. Caesar was appointed a counsol, and went...

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